
Seibersdorf Academy - Buchungsplattform

Technics and Industry - Sealed Sources and Industrial X-ray Devices

Technics and Industry - Radiation Protection Officer Specific Course



according to the Austrian AllgStrSchV § 80, appendix 18, among others:

  • Devices for non-destructive material testing / material analysis
  • Devices for thickness, density and area-based weight
  • Level indicators
  • Electron beam welders and Evaporators
  • Other radiation sources
  • Radiation exposure of persons
  • Protective measures
  • Quality assurance measures
  • Practical exercises: Protective measures for using radiation devices and facilities as well as the work with sealed radioactive sources, quality control including the use of test sources

Target Group

Persons, who want to work as a Radiation Protection Officer (RPO) with sealed sources and non-medical x-ray devices.


Successfully passed basic RPO course



Course Time

Course start 8:30 (each day)

The exact times will be announced in due time.


A certificate from the Seibersdorf Academy (in German and English) is issued after successfully passing the exam.



The courses for Radiation Protection Officer (RPO) and for further persons responsible for radiation protection always consists of basic training plus specific training.


In order to get accepted by authorities as an RPO, the successful completion of a secondary technical school (or higher education) or completed technical professional education (apprenticeship) is required (according to the Austrian AllgStrSchV § 80) dependent on the type of radiation sources to be used and intended practice.


According to the Austrian AllgStrSchV, § 82, RPOs and other persons responsible for radiation protection tasks need a refresher training every five years; lasting four to eight hours dependent on the type of radiation sources and professional practices.

For more information, please call the office at +43 50550 3030.

All prices are exclusive VAT and include participation and - depending on the type of course, unless otherwise stated - scripts, personal dosimetry, examination fee, issue of certificates as well as lunch and refreshments. All prices are valid until 30th April 2025. A course unit equals 45 Minutes. Seibersdorf Academy reserves the right to alter the program and printing errors. In the case of changes, participants will be informed in a timely and appropriate manner.

There is no charge for cancellation provided this is received in writing at least 14 days before the event is due to start. Within 14 days of the start of the event, a cancellation charge of 20% will be incurred and from the day of the beginning of the course the participant contribution is payable in full.